Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bonjour Café

In case you don't know my sist-ousin (cousin, but more like a sister) Sarah, which I'm sure you all do, she is one of my best friends, and my awesome boss :) We have always been like sisters, and it's incredible how much we have always shared in common growing up and now... including being photographers, our crazy love for Lord of the Rings and pirates, taste in clothing and much more :) And of course we always have SO much fun together. Also, in case you don't know, I have a crazy passion for Europe and coffee shops, so I had been wanting to do a french-style coffee shop photo shoot. My current assignment in class provided the perfect excuse to finally do it. I immediately called Sarah because I knew she would be the perfect subject for this shoot. She was very excited because it is rare us photographers get to be the subject :) Anyways, it was soooooo much fun and I am so in love with the pictures! So without further a due, here is my drop dead gorgeous cousin, taken at the lovely Sally Loos Coffee Shop :)

Also, check her blog out HERE if you want your mind to be blown, because she is without a doubt the most amazing photographer I know and my inspiration :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My New Passion

So for those of you who don't know, I enrolled in my first ever film photography class this semester. I am about a month and a half through it so far, and let me tell you, from the second I stepped foot in the darkroom I fell in love. As the class goes on I only fall more in love and get more eager to take pictures and print them. It is such a magical experience and a much more intimate form of photography. It is a whole new world, and I can't believe how long I have been missing out. In my defense, I have looked for film classes at other schools and they didn't have them. Most schools have gotten rid of their dark rooms (SO SAD) by now and have completely switched to digital. Now, as a newly passionate film photographer, what I can't help but wonder is how can they possibly replace film with digital? In my opinion they are two totally different art forms (yes I know they are both photography - why can't we keep both?!), and I love both of them but it truly saddens me to see that film is a dying art.
So, while I have the amazing opportunity to have access to an awesome darkroom, I am all over it! I seriously can not express how in love I am with film and I plan on taking all film classes they have to offer... and then maybe all over again :) I think you get the point.
Anyways, here are a couple of my prints from the last month and a half. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do :)

^ and yes, that is my future niece, baby Ella inside Kelsey's belly :)